The Devils own.
Walt often thought when
Boeing designed the B17 Flying Fortress they initially forgot about the radio operators post. It certainly seemed that way, sandwiched as it was between two
bulkheads separating it from the bomb bay to the front and the waist area
to the rear. Each being accessed by way of a plywood door. Walt always kept the forward door leading to the bomb bay closed, but liked to leave the one leading to the
waist open. Not that he saw anything of Kowolski and Travers, the two waist
gunners, just the knowledge they were there however offered him some comfort as he spent
hour upon hour listening to nothing but endless static.
He swore and adjusted his oxygen mask as he felt the condensation within starting
to freeze. It was a constant problem, one he and his crew had to live with as
they endured the minus forty-degree temperatures that were to be found when
flying 23000 feet above a very hostile Germany. He shuddered and glanced out across
the port wing and saw the two Wright Cyclone engines churning away through the rarefied
air. To any airman seeing those engines working as they should was a
heart-warming sight. He closed his eyes and not for the first time that day
prayed he and the rest of the crew of the mighty Lady Louise made it back to Polebrook.
Walt really needed to make it back, not just for himself
but for Jane and their new-born daughter Rebecca. He could have cried at the
early morning briefing when the curtain was pulled back to reveal a map of
Europe and a long ribbon stretching across it all the way from England to
today’s target – Berlin. Why did it have to be Berlin? On today of all days,
the day of his 25th and final mission of his tour. With the
allies driving up through France and the Russians closing in on Germany from
the East he knew if he got through today he would in all probability never have to fly
a mission in anger again.
After the initial shock of seeing Berlin in bold red
letters, he’d felt a calm, steely resolve come over him. He would get through
it, one way or another, just as he always did, of that he was supremely
confident. Walt had come to realize a long time ago he was one of life’s survivors.
He might have had to lie and cheat his way out of various sticky situations in
the past, but he’d always found a way.
It was ironic really; he’d only enlisted in the Air Force
as a means of escape in the first place. If he hadn’t God alone knows what may
have happened. That damned detective Jacobson had been getting far too close.
He felt an overwhelming wave of sadness bearing down on him as he remembered
the circumstances which led to him walking into the recruitment office on 51st
Street. If only Marci hadn’t struggled…
He shook his head in an effort to banish certain images
from his mind. Images he desperately wanted to forget, but knew he never would.
He wasn’t that guy anymore. He might well have joined up for less than
honorable reasons, but nobody could fault him for his service and the job he’d
done since. Whatever he was before he was different now. Once the war was over he
was going to settle down in England and make a life for himself and his new family.
A good honest life; there would be no more drinking, no more gambling and
without doubt no more womanizing.
He was suddenly distracted by a flash of sunlight
glinting off the silver belly of a B17 in the high squadron above. Walt studied
it for a moment and the half dozen planes it was flying in close formation with.
In many ways their silver fuselages and the Cobalt blue-sky back drop reminded
him of when he was back in school in New York. His teacher, a sprightly old spinster
by the name of Mrs. Johnson had kept a fish tank containing five silver fish by
the side of her desk. Walt had spent many an hour watching them hang motionless
in the crystal-clear water. It had always fascinated him how those five fish
always pointed in the same direction as if there were some unspoken
He idly wondered where Mrs. Johnson was now and if she’d
be proud of him if she saw him in his uniform. He hoped she would, she’d been
one of the few people who’d seen something in him back then. He couldn’t help
but smile as he recalled the sound of her lilting voice on the day he left
“You’ll be alright Mr. Mahoney, they say the devil always
has a way of looking after his own.”
“Flak, two o’clock low,” a voice he recognized as that of the co-pilot, Jim Fletcher said in a matter-of-fact tone. Walt swallowed hard to suppress the ice-cold fear which numbed his senses as soon as he heard the word flak. He, like bomber men the world over, hated flak. With fighters he always felt they had a chance. Each B17 was armed with a dozen fifty caliber machine guns with which to defend themselves. Only, they couldn’t shoot back at the insidious black puffs marking the detonation of an anti-aircraft shell fired by a German gunner 20,000ft below. All they could do was fly on, straight and level and hope God was with them. Walt balled his fists in an effort to stop his hands shaking as he sweated it out, then came the inevitable.
“Seventeen going down from the high squadron,” another calm,
methodical voice Walt didn’t immediately recognise said.
Walt had never seen a plane go down, nor did he want to,
but in his minds eye he saw a smoking B17 peeling out of formation and spiraling
“Two out of the front,” their flight Engineer, Tom Parker,
commented from his vantage point in the top turret.
“Another out of the back,” Jim Fletcher added in his slow
southern drawl.
Made as they were in a calm, dispassionate manner these
narratives of a stricken crews attempt to escape their fiery coffin in no way
reflected the hell those poor men were going through. Men Walt in all
probability knew and had shared a drink with in the mess or one of the local
pubs. Men just like him…
The commentary didn’t last long and Walt surmised the doomed airplane had
either dropped below the line of sight or blown up. He didn’t have time to
dwell on its fate though as through the interminable static he heard the
unmistakable sound of Morse code. He quickly reached across his small table for
a pencil, which was no mean feat given the thick mittens he was wearing. Much
as he wanted too, he couldn’t take them off as it would only be a matter of
seconds before frost bite set in. He cursed as the pencil eluded his grasp and was forced to stretch to reach it. That was when the world as he knew it
imploded around him.
One moment all was orderly and just as it should have
been and the next there was a mind-numbing crash which concussed his senses. He
felt the airplane lurch and stagger through the air and too his horror realised
where a moment ago there had been a fuselage there was now a gaping hole. To
make matters worse the bomber dropped its port wing and Walt found himself
clinging to his seat and staring transfixed with mortal terror at the
patchwork quilt of Germany 23000 feet below.
“No, no, please god no,” someone screamed as the B17 did
a complete wing over and dropped its nose toward the ground. Walt groped for
his parachute which should have been by his right foot, but his hand failed to
make contact. He looked about wildly as the sickening realization hit home his
chute had gone out through the hole with the rest of his equipment. Barely had
this registered when he heard the alarm bell ringing on the bulkhead in front
of him. The pilot, Lieutenant Walker, had just given the order to bail out and
in doing so condemned Walt to death.
“Hey, Walker, I’ve lost my chute,” Walt yelled desperately
in to his mike. Only to be met with a stone-cold silence. No doubt the
Lieutenant had his hands full trying to hold the airplane steady long enough
for the crew to bail out. If he hadn’t already done so himself.
Walt retched and was forced to undo his vomit filled face
mask. He was going to die and this time there was no escape. As if to
illustrate the point he felt the plane’s nose pitch up, then a violent shudder
as it stalled and plunged earthwards in what was to be its final death dive.
The noise was horrendous as the engines shrieked and the
slip stream tore at the gaping hole, even so Walt could still hear somebody
screaming there life away. It was the same person he’d heard earlier on; it
took him a moment or two to realize that person was him.
his head he heard the voices of other crews commentating on his demise.
“Seventeen going down from the low squadron.”
“Roger that, two out of the front.”
“Another two out of the back.”
All spoken in the same detached, dispassionate voices his
own crew had used to describe the dying moments of the bomber knocked out of
the sky minutes before they were hit.
To add to his misery smoke started to billow from around
the forward bulk head and he saw flames flicking around the plywood door. He
started to pray then, really pray which was ironic really, to think God would
reach out and save the likes of him. Not after what he’d done in the past. Was
that what this was all about, retribution for his sins?
He didn’t have time to dwell on the subject, the Radio
room was getting too hot as whatever fires had started up front took hold. He
might be going to die, but he wasn’t going to burn, he’d jump before he let
that happen. Somehow, he found some inner strength and managed to drag himself
across the floor in to the waist area. The two waist gunners were long gone.
Kowolski always said if they were hit he’d be the first out. It looked like
he’d been a man of his word.
Walt saw the open escape hatch and started pulling
himself toward it using the ribs of the fuselage as a makeshift ladder. It was
a futile gesture, but he had to do something. Then he noticed something, the
ball turret hadn’t been retracted which meant the ball gunner, Sam Reardon, was
either dead or trapped beneath the belly of the plane. Walt shuddered at the
thought of the shy kid from Alabama trapped in his Perspex bowl as they
plummeted earthward. In the event of a failure, it was the job of the waist
gunners to mechanically retract the turret so the gunner could escape. Seemingly Kowolski and Travers had foregone that duty and elected to see to
He glanced across at the gimbal and the mechanism which retracted
the turret, then it dawned on him and hardly daring to breath he looked to his
left. Not six feet away was salvation in the shape of the ball gunners parachute
stowed away just as it should be.
With a sob Walt lunged for it and in one swooping
movement snatched it free and clipped it on to the D rings of his parachute
harness. It wasn’t a moment too soon as the waist area began to fill with a
thick black acrid smoke along with silver droplets of molten aluminium as the fuselage melted in the heat . Walt steeled himself and dug deep pulling himself toward the escape hatch suffering a blow to the back of the head from one of the
heavy machine guns as it cycled wildly in the slip stream in the process. With one last
herculean effort he grasped the edge of the hatch and levered himself forward.
As he felt the slip stream plucking him from the airplane, he afforded himself
one last glance inside only to see Sam Reardon’s outstretched hand. Then he was
gone, tumbling through the ice-cold air.
in the States when he’d done his basic training they’d taught him to steady
himself, count to at least six then pull the ripcord. To hell with that…
parachute opened with an almighty thwack and Walt found himself floating in a
near perfect silence. There was no sign of the great aerial armada which only
minutes before he’d been an integral part of. Nor were there any signs of his
fellow crew members, no white parachutes; nothing but a clear blue sky.
he drifted earthwards he noticed a thick column of oily smoke billowing up from
the middle of a dense wood, no doubt the funeral pyre marking the last
resting place of the once pristine Lady Louise. The tears started to flow then,
and he sobbed uncontrollably like a small child as in his mind’s eye he saw Sam
Reardon’s imploring eyes. He swallowed hard at the memory and shook his head
inconsolably as he knew it was something which was going to haunt him for the
rest of his life.
enough in those desperate seconds when he’d tumbled free from the stricken B17
it hadn’t been his wife Jane, or baby Rebecca who’d flashed in front of his eyes. It had
been the girl he'd left behind two years ago back in New York.
Picture credit Google Images
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